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"Månestråle" armbånd

På lager: 4

Håndlaget Armbånd fra Lotus & Luna.

Nydelig "Månestråle" armbånd er laget for hånd av amazonite , månstein og naturstein.

Armbåndet kan justeres  i lengden.

Størrelse: 16 -22 cm langt 

Matriale: Naturstein, amazonite, månestein, bomullstråd, kokosnøtt .

Lotus & Luna:

"Inspired by the power and beauty of the moon, the Moonbeam  bracelet offers moonstone in every piece. Known to heighten intuition and ease stress, everyone needs a little moonstone in their life!

Amazonite Inner Peace

Amazonite soothes the spirit and calms the soul. It promotes clarity and self-love.

Moonstone Intuition

Attuned to the energy of the moon, Moonstone is known to stabilize emotions, decrease stress, and enhance intuition. "

Lotus and Luna empowers artisan communities in Northern Thailand through educational resources, fair wages, and endless opportunity. Your support enables us to make the world a better place, one village at a time.

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